She has been figuring out that she can grasp things more and more. Here are a couple of pictures of her practicing her new skill:
This morning Amelia had a little time with Ludo before Dad woke up:
She was "petting" him, so he stretched out so she could get the good spot...his belly :)
Bumbo-time is also improving. I have noticed that how she does in it depends on her mood and/or how much we have held her upright that day. It seems that the longer she has been using her neck muscles prior to sitting in the chair, the more upset she gets. Today we haven't done much with her supporting her own neck and she did really well!
And last (for pictures anyways), but not least, I have been trying to get a good picture (or two) of this for my parents, because I always tell them about it... Amelia knows how to relax...we always find her laying with her hands behind her head, like us adults do, often when we are lounging in a chair:
I am hoping to be productive this evening. I need to sort through Amelia's clothes...badly. We got a couple more larger Rubbermaids to sort her clothes into. I already have a NB/0-3 month one started that I am adding clothes to as she outgrows them. Tonight I want to get all her 6-9 month clothes sorted into one and then her 9-12 month ones as well. (her 3-6 month clothes are already out and in her "dresser", ie-a 3-drawer Sterilite like I use for some of my clothes). I really want to get this done tonight so we don't have baby clothes shoved anywhere we can find room. There are even some in extra drawers in the kitchen, it is time to re-organize!
In other news, Jason's new restaurant, called Honeypie, opened this week (yesterday maybe?). Tonight is his first night working where he is actually serving customers. I think we both like the fact that he gets off much earlier working there, but at the same time that makes him work 5 days (instead of the 4 he worked at Balzac) so we no longer have Thursday nights off as a family. I am not sure of an actual website for it, but if you click here it will bring you to a small blurb about it. I am looking forward to trying some of the sandwiches that they have on the menu!
I am hoping to get out running soon now that the stroller is here. Time is ticking away...towards marathon time. Yesterday I worked early in the afternoon and Jason and I decided to get a bunch of things done around the house before I left (very worth it, we got a lot done and it is like some of the weight is off my shoulders!). I have the clothes project that I want to get done tonight too...hhmmm. Perhaps I will try and get out before Amelia's bedtime, even it is just a short run. We'll see. This heat has made her a bit fussy this afternoon, so we might need to stay in and engage in some activities to keep her mind off the heat. Does that work for babies? I don't even know...probably not.
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