BIG stretch and a matching BIG smile :)
In other news, this afternoon we finally decided it was time to give Poopy his wish. He can now accompany us onto the deck while we grill. We bought him his own harness and leash. He seemed excited about it, as if he knew what was happening while I put the harness on because he started purring right away! I think he wishes the leash part was longer though...he can't go very far.
I found some good deals at Target today, which excited me. We now have about 1500 baby wipes stored up because Pampers cases were on sale at Target for $12.99 (we bought 2)! I was also able to get us shampoos and conditioners buy one get one free, so we have plenty of that for a while! I almost bought cases of diapers until I realized that the brand we use is cheaper, even when cases of Huggies are on sale! Luvs are the way to go! They work well for us and Amelia, we have had the fewest leakages with them so far!
I need to get off of here now. I have a few things I want to do around here before I pump and head to bed. I have to get up early to be at work by 9 for Key Sunday Cinema Club on Mother's Day...
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