This is the biggest smile I think I have gotten a picture of! (I was shaking a toy above my head, that is why she is looking up and away from me/the camera)
This is my final week of summer school (yay!) and I have to work on my final "project" for Wednesday. Normally in this class there are two papers to write but as most teachers do, they cut things down for the summer (all teachers except my Vietnam War teacher that is...) and there is just one paper to write for this class. However, he makes it even easier for us summer students...instead of writing any paper we can make notecards/flashcards of the deities we have studied in the course. Way easy if you ask me! Remember, I am accustomed to making hundreds of flashcards each semester for art history exams, so this is nothing! The only difference is he won't accept handwritten ones and I have never printed mine before.
Jason found me a kit at Wal-Mart that I wish I had discovered sooner! It comes with 200 notecards, 4 on a page that is perferated, so all I have to do is tear them apart once I print out the info/image on them! This is going to be a cinch, I think! This morning before church Jason made me a template to use to make the cards. So, between now and Wednesday morning I just need to type up the info, find an image of each Egyptian deity and hit print! So much easier than my normal routine for making cards (cutting out images, using double-sided tape to put them on notecards and then handwriting any information I wanted to include on the back).
We had storms here again today. I must admit, they were calmer than I had hoped they would be. By 4 o'clock it was black out and I had to turn on lights in the house to see (it was like night!) and then the storms were, in my opinion, kinds wimpy :( Hopefully the humidity will be gone tomorrow after the rain this evening! Today was yet again another miserable day here. Jason saw on the news that the heat index was over 100 degrees today. At 7 a.m. it was already 80 here, crazy! Remember, we live right on Lake Michigan (literally) and we are used to a very nice, cooling lake breeze, which means even hot days are bearable outside. The humidity however is a whole 'nother thing.
Sorry for the lack of pictures and excessive rambling on my part today. Hopefully next time I will have some more pictures of Amelia to share!
1 comment:
Great smile!!
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