We tried to go to Wal-Mart to move pictures from memory card to disc and a few pictures to print out, but after almost twenty minutes of sitting at a machine it shut down. We left. Whenever we are at Wal-Mart for a long time like that (which we normally are, it is a much longer process going there than to Target) I find a toy for Amelia. Nothing too fancy, just something to say, "sorry we are still here honey". Today she got stacking cups:
She liked banging them around! We realize we could have just given her storage containers and it would have been virtually the same, but we use a lot of GladWare and Ziploc containers that often have some sharp edges and since she is sucking on everything she sees lately we wanted something with smooth edges so she wouldn't cut her tongue.
Amelia also did some cooking tonight:
Those measuring cups are one of her favorite toys right now!
*We don't print out pictures to send to people for the most part. If anyone wants a picture of Amelia (or a few), let us know! After today's disaster at Wal-Mart I made an online account with them and we can have picture orders sent to any Wal-Mart for pick-up! There are some sitting at the Hudson Wal-Mart as I type this. So, if anyone ever wants a picture for any reason, you can e-mail us or leave a comment on here (you can do it as "anonymous" and just sign your name at the end, no need to make an account). Just let us know which Wal-Mart you go to...
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