We started our day out at the South Shore Farmer's Market, which is a few blocks from our house. It is big and busy! When we go next time we will not be bringing the stroller with us, way too hard to maneuver! My parents each had a ten minute massage and we got some fresh produce, including Door County cherries! There were also Middle Eastern dancers there, doing demonstrations:
Amelia liked watching them and listening to the music!
On our way out of Bay View (to the East Side) we stopped at a couple rummage sales and among other things, got this play kitchen for Amelia (for when she can stand, supporting herself):
I saw it up on the hill, from the street, so we stopped and by chance it was a kitchen, which made Jason happy!
I had to go to work at 11, so I got dropped off and Jason, Amelia and my parents had a few hours to kill on the East Side, so they walked to the East Side market and there was another person there selling handmade stuffed animals and he picked this out for Amelia:
(his reason for getting this is so that she learns now to not stare at people with missing limbs and/or one eye...)
They also watched part of the Air and Water Show, from up on the hill overlooking the lake. Here is one of the better pictures that Jason managed to get:
After work we came home, I showered, Jason went to work and my parents and I took the bus to the third ward and walked to German Fest. It was pretty crowded there (as expected). There is a lack of pictures from there because it was sprinkling rain on and off and it was just pretty crowded, so I was busy maneuvering the stroller and didn't bother to take the camera out. We did however take a picture of the pig roast. At 730ish there was a twilight air show (part of the ongoing Milwaukee Air and Water Show). They did this show right over German Fest though, so we were pretty much right under them during parts, otherwise they were just off the shore over a small bay. Before they show started there was a fighter jet flying RIGHT overhead of us, making circles and Amelia was NOT a fan of that AT ALL!!! The poor thing was terrified. We have been hearing these jets the past few days as they have been making their way into the city. One even shook our house it was so low on Friday morning! (we live a few miles from the airport, so it was getting ready to land) Here is a picture, to give you an idea of how low it was passing over us tonight:
Here are some favorite pictures from the air show this evening:
Next the U.S. Army Golden Knights parachute team did a demonstration. Here they are jumping out of the plane:
They had something on them that made them look like sparklers. Here is a somewhat close picture of one of them:
I don't have pictures of any of the rest of the air demonstration for many reasons (it started raining again, it was too dark out and images were blurred etc). It was a long day! Tomorrow, right after I go to work, my dad is going back down to the lakefront to watch the Thunderbirds demonstration at 330. He was hoping they'd be there tonight, but they weren't! I am just glad that the thunderstorms in the forecast for this evening held off...hopefully they come soon so I can fall asleep to the sound of rain!
Lastly, here is picture of Amelia late this evening, when she should have been asleep!!!
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