Today I opened the theater up (for the third day in a row, something I have not done since before Amelia was born) and had to find a creative way to get home. The Great Circus Parade started at 1:30 and I got off at 2:30. The parade cut-off my two usual routes home (through downtown and across the Hoan Bridge on 794E). I ended up deciding that I would go way out of my way in order to avoid any parade delay because it would probably be faster, depite being probably about 3x as far mileage-wise. It took me a half an hour to get home (vs 10-12 minutes), so that is not terrible. I think Jason made it to work right on time, or just a few minutes late.
I caught the tail end of the parade on MPTV, so that was cool. It would have been nice to be able to go. There were tigers (in cage carts) even, cool! Maybe there will be funding for it again sometime and then we can go, assuming that happens while we are still in Milwaukee (which might not be too much longer...).
Amelia and I went to church this evening (we finally made it this week!). My classmate Andrew gave the sermon and Amelia must have like something he was saying because she was talking, sometimes quite loudly. Normally she is quiet, not a peep out of her. Tonight, however, she was talking and a few times she started "singing", loudly. At one point I walked out into the hallway so she could get some of it out of her system. We stood in the hall for a few minutes and she talked, sang and giggled.
I had the hardest time getting her to sleep tonight. She is finally asleep now, so that is good!
We haven't been taking a ton of pictures this weekend, probably because we are on-the-go and both worked the past two days, so we haven't had much time together. I did take a couple pictures of Amelia tonight though:
I call this one her "senior picture" (minus the paci):
In this one she is looking at her bouncer, perhaps wishing she were in it? Or remembering good times with it?
She is getting so strong!
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