This evening I went over to my friend Dawn's house (with Amelia). She is having a party this evening and invited me over before it really got going to have dinner with her and a couple of other people. It was really nice to get out of the house and spend some time with friends! Amelia enjoyed Dawn's cat Foxy, who is so petite! She is literally about a quarter the size of Poopy, seriously.
We rode the bus up to the East Side (which proved to be very smart, with the Frolics this weekend there is NO parking anywhere!). It was Amelia's first time on the city bus. Here is a picture of her waiting for her first bus:

(Note: all pictures from today are from my cell phone, so they are not the greatest)
Amelia did very well on the bus. She just sat there and looked around:

After we had dinner and visited a bit, we headed out. I decided that since it was so nice out we would walk part of the way home. We walked through the East Side and then through dowtown, where we caught our bus. Bastille Days was very crowded (we stayed on the outskirts of it).
Lastly, here a few pictures I took while we were downtown, of people's chairs for the parade tomorrow:

There are chairs laying everywhere and areas of sidewalk roped off with people's names posted somewhere. Most of the "saved" areas have no people there, camping out. It amazes me that people are able to leave their folding chairs and camping chairs downtown and that they will be there tomorrow (some of them are chained to things, but most are not)! See, people in cities can be trusted!
Also, since Morrison got out the other day, he has been much better about running out into the hall and trying to get outside! Well, except tonight, when I got home he ran out and is currrenlty sitting in the hallway doing whatever it is that he does that is so interesting to him.
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