Amelia's appetite has returned! She must have adjusted somewhat to the heat and/or the a/c has probably helped. She is back to her normal, piggy self. Her tummy is getting bigger:
Amelia has also managed to find her thumb (instead of her whole hand):
I am hoping that this does not become a habit of hers!
This afternoon Amelia and I exercised (yes, both of us did). We tried out our Mom and Baby Fitness DVD for the first time. I didn't do the full workout... Instead I tried out one of the "mini workouts" for busy moms. We tried the one that works on the post-baby belly. It sure worked my abs out! I haven't done yoga in quite some time. Amelia did really well but got fussy during certain poses and also towards the end. They also had a "mini" workout for baby, baby yoga. Amelia liked most of that! Her favorites were "taffy baby" and "so big". She smiled and giggled a lot! She wasn't to fond of "candlestick", which is similar to what we (parents) do when we are changing diapers (holding their legs up in the air and then, for this, moving them in circles).
A funny face to leave you all with:
I have NO idea what she was looking at that apparently was very interesting.
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