This afternoon I finally made it to the Police Administration Building to get fingerprinted. It is something required of all bartender's license applicants. It was kind of cool, it was all done electronically, no ink! The whole process was frustrating though. The area the police building is in is hectic, especially around noon (when I went), and there is "construction" all over the grounds. You know, things are fenced off and dug up, but there are no workers anywhere... I walked around in circles for a while. Finally I got there and it only took about 15 minutes to take care of business and be on my way. Oddly enough I ran into two people I know while there...
After I made it home this afternoon, Amelia and I had some fun. Mommy needed some cheering up and Amelia is a pro at that! All she has to do is smile =) We had tummytime, rolled over a few times and worked on "standing". Here are some pictures I snapped when I realized she was about to go over:
She was a smiley girl today, which is becoming the norm =)
Pretty soon and she will also be rolling from back to front! (I know, it's a little "early" for that, but she is so close sometimes!)
I also dug out a different paci for her, by Avent. We have had them all along but when she was a newborn they were so large and covered her nose all the way and that made me too nervous. I tried one out today and she seems to have "grown into them" at this point. I think she liked that there is a "handle" on them, like Nuk pacifiers. She was more content to hold onto the handle than anything (even if it meant the paci went in and out as she sucked):
I have to get the kitchen cleaned up (bath nights tend to make a mess in a clean kitchen, especially since Amelia has taken to splashing an awful lot lately!) and shower now, so I can start with that book! Might be a long night...or a short one that results in my falling asleep.
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