...it fits almost perfectly! She is getting so big so fast! I decided, after seeing how this one fit, that it is time to just put away all of the 0-3 month things (well, I kept a couple things out still), even the ones she is still fitting into, and begin using all 3-6 month clothes before she outgrows them all too!
Amelia has been showing more and more interest in her hands. She holds them up and looks at them all the time:
She is fascinated with them!
Amelia has been very tired the past few days, you can see it in her eyes. I think that even in this next picture you can kind of see tiredness:
In pet news, they are crazier every single day. They drive us nuts! This afternoon, Amelia was THIS close to actually napping and here come the boys, full force, and she woke up in an instant, screaming. I was at school, but Jason told me it took him 5+ minutes to calm her down. Poor thing.
Speaking of the cats and their antics, Morrison, once again found something to get into. I was on the couch, feeding Amelia her bottle before bed and I looked over to see Morrison tipping my clothes hamper over and crawling in. He just seems to think that he is the king of the world, or at least this house.
And lastly, a funny picture, from Amelia. She gets so excited sometimes when she is smiling!
Tomorrow in school we are watching Platoon, so I am seriously considering skipping and watching the film on my own time (the downside would be I would miss the discussion and this class has GREAT discussions). We now own it, we saw it Target this afternoon (when we finally remembered to pick up batteries) for $5 and decided it was worth having and got it.
Speaking of batteries, funny story, it turns out Amelia's soother's batteries were fine! When it is dying, the music slows, it still works basically, but differently, which is why we thought it was almost done for (the motion stopped). When Jason put the new batteries in today, her noticed that the motion switch was turned to...off. Duh! So now we have plenty of extra batteries for when it really stops working!
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