While we were there Jason found his way to the toy section (while I got excited about all the cute summer clothes they had, even though Amelia is all set in that department) and they were having a pretty good sale, so we each picked out a toy to get her. They are both by Lamaze, she has "Kerry the Fairy" already and today we got her "Pupsqueak" and "Adrian the Alien".
She didn't seem too sure about "Adrian" this evening...
Here she is with the puppy that Jason picked out for her:
Tonight we also played around with the slings that we have (we have 2, one from my mom and the other was made by a friend). Since she is holding her head up pretty good these days I am not afraid to try these things out anymore (we tried when she was younger and I was nervous!). She fits in there well and didn't fuss too much when she was able to look out. She did not like the "tummy to tummy" position very much though. Now that I am more comfortable with them, we will definately be using them often!
In pet news, there is not much to report. They are still the little monsters they were before! Morrison likes to spend time in the stairwell (and sometimes I put him into exile out there; he gets very wound up and is relentless in his "playing" with the other cats and it's my way of "kitty time out"). He has found a new place to hang out out there, near the open window in a box:
And now for today's funny Amelia picture...the other morning when I was getting her ready to go to the laundromat I was putting on her onesie and noticed this:
Is she Yoda? Or Shrek? Or something else? (I think I found this more amusing than Jason did)
1 comment:
In the picture with the puppy she looks a lot like your dad!!!
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