We have been to the store once or twice since it died and yet we still have no batteries for it because we forget. It is so hard to put her to bed without it! It plays music and has lights and animals, it runs for 18 minutes and then shuts off. When it works, all you have to do is put her in her crib, give her a paci and hit the start button and she is out like a light within no time. This is the second night in a row where we just cannot get her to go to bed without a "fight". When we finally remember to get batteries, I am getting an extra set so the poor little thing is never without this electronic that it seems she "needs" in her life!
I had a request from my sister to include a funny Amelia picture often...well, I didn't take any pictures today, and couldn't find on e as funny as some of the others, but here is a picture of her from last Sunday, after church:
I am a discussion leader in class on Monday morning...so that means I need to get cracking on all the readings for then earlier than normal because I have to have questions ready for the class to discuss that morning. I am working with a couple other people and we need everything figured out by 7 a.m. Monday so the teacher can photocopy what we come up with for the class, as a handout. There is a lot of reading to do, but I am hoping that it goes fast. We are talking mainly about the draft on Monday, which should be interesting!
ps- Our movie last night was just as terrible as we were anticipating, but it gave us some laughs and for a dollar, a few laughs are just fine!
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