We arrived in MN around 5 a.m. After getting our things into the house and Amelia back to sleep in her "pack and play", Jason and I crashed. We woke up at 11:30 (my sister, Kim, was nice enough to watch Amelia so we could continue sleeping):
After getting things situated and getting ourselves ready, we headed to North Hudson to Grandpa Peterson's house to spend some time with family. Amelia and I left in the evening. Amelia went to sleep and I had dinner with my friend Marie at Acapulco. I picked Jason up around 9 p.m. and we ran to Wal-Mart for a few things we forgot to bring and then it was bedtime for us!
Wednesday Jason, Amelia and I had lunch with my mom and sister at Cossetta's in St. Paul, which was great! We also stopped by my mom's old work, since she cancelled lunch plans to hang with us and her old co-workers told her to stop by with the grandbaby. Amelia wanted a nap at this point and would NOT sleep in her sling, laying down. She would, however, sleep upright:
Jason had to walk around holding her head up while she napped!
[Amelia tends to prefer being upright over laying down. The only time she really likes to be held horizontally is when she is eating, or tipped to her side when she is sleepy]
After St. Paul we headed home through Stillwater. [This is when we stopped and took the pictures of Jason's Grandma and Grandpa Rude's home] I needed to find something to wear to the funeral, so we stopped at Kohl's and I found a dress that I actually thought looked good on me and it was comfortable! Jason and I also got haircuts/trims while we were in Stillwater, which were needed, badly!
For dinner Wednesday night, we decided that we wanted to go somewhere that would have the Twins/Brewers game on [we had tickets for the game, but obviously were not in town to go to it. Jason contacted someone who allowed us to exchange them, which we were not expecting to happen]. We decided on Buffalo Wild Wings and met two couples [Lisa and Al/Marie and Jordan] there to watch the game. Jason was the only Twins fan at our table! Even Amelia was sporting some Brewers gear while she "watched" the game:
The Brewers won. [the only win of the series for them...]
Thursday we had lunch with Grandma Rude at King's City Chinese. Jason's family has been going there for longer than they remember. After we ate lunch, we went to Teddy Bear Park in Stillwater and got some pictures of Amelia with her Great-Grandma Rude. This is a favorite of the two of them:
After we brought Grandma Rude home, we got ready for the visitation. Amelia looked very nice that evening:
And this, I feel, is a fairly decent picture of Amelia and I (there are not many):
After the visitation, Jason, Amelia and I had dinner with his sister, Liz, and her boyfriend Kory at Mama Maria's (where Jason worked for many, many years). Amelia was pretty much a terror through dinner (very tired baby) and we took her home right away after dinner to get her to bed!
Lastly, before bed, Jason got to wear Michael Jackson's hat:
My mom caught this at a concert of his in 1988. It has been sitting in a glass case for the past twenty years. He was pretty excited about it!
Friday morning started early for us. We met Jason's friend/old co-worker Nick for coffee/breakfast before heading up to the church for the funeral.
There was a good turnout for the funeral and the service was very nice. Amelia wore a new dress that her Great-Grandma had gotten for her, unfortunately we did not get any pictures of her in it because it was very warm out and we wanted to get her into something a bit cooler asap after the funeral ended. The luncheon at the church also went very well. Amelia was very well behaved ALL day. We were shocked.
After the funeral and luncheon, we headed to my mom's house to re-stock baby supplies and change. We then stopped by Mama Maria's, again, to see Jason's old boss and show him Amelia. From there we went to his Grandpa's again, where everyone was swimming and hanging out. It was nice spending the afternoon with family. Here are some pictures:
Amelia and Great-Granpa Peterson:
4 Generations on Jason's side of the family:
Jason took Amelia "surfing" on the slide into the pool:
For dinner, we met my parents in Oakdale, at Pino's. After that, Jason, Amelia and I went to Pizza Hut to meet up with Lisa, her sister Sarah and Sarah's three daughters. [Sarah is the one that Lisa and I visited in Europe, twice, when she was living overseas]
Amelia made her first "friend" in Sarah's 9 month old daughter, Elsa:
Hhmmm...is Amelia a giant or Elsa a little peanut...or a little of both? (the girls are 5 months apart) Amelia responded very well to Elsa!
Jason also had quite a good time at the playground, running around with Sarah's older girls:
< Raeann
Hanna >
Here is Jason, swinging:
He was swinging for probably ten minutes and then finally yelled over, "Aren't you going to take my picture?", so I did.
Amelia also went swinging, for the first time!
Amelia and Elsa:
Amelia sure seemed to have a good time:
This morning, Amelia had some time with her Papouli, since we barely saw him this trip. [we stayed at his house and barely saw him, that is how busy we were!]
We had a very long and tiring week! It feels good to be back in Milwaukee, but at the same time we wish we could have stayed! Time to get back to life here.
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