We had some turkey in the fridge, leftover from the turkey dinner at the cabin over the weekend (a tradition of opening weekend), that Jason's grandpa had sent with us. Jason ran across the street and got some pre-made stuffing, milk, bread and dessert. This was our Thanksgiving "feast":
Not bad for deciding to do it at about 5:30. We never got to dessert...we are stuffed and sitting on the couch!
Amelia also had a Thanksgiving meal tonight, pumpkin and sqaush. That made her a happy girl:
Even the cats got to feast! They shared a can of chunky chicken and turkey casserole:
We have lots to be thankful for this year! We hope everyone has a good Thanksgiving week :)
Before the "turkey-coma" set in I got a lot done! Today was a decent day. I kept busy the entire time Jason was at work. I unpacked us, put away all the laundry I had done at my parent's house, picked up the house, went through all the papers laying all over etc.
Over the weekend I made the decision that I would switch the clothes in Amelia's "dressers" to her '12 month' ones. She is only fitting into about half of her '9 month' clothes right now and I found our over the weekend that she fits well in some '12 month' clothes. So, I decided to just switch them now. She is SET on '12 month' clothes! Her drawers are FULL:
There is not one thing she could possibly need in this suze! She is going to be the best dressed baby for sure!
I also worked in her room this afternoon, making room for her new chair. She seems to like it:
She even tried getting out of it on her own today:
(I helped her, so she didn't get hurt)
In order to help keep the cats off of her chair, I put some of her "friends" on it:
I also put our over-the-door hanger in her room, to keep all of her coats in order:
Amelia was such a good girl today, letting me get so much done! She played in her pack 'n' play so great:
Jason and I are beat and ready for bed. I think we are going to watch another movie and get to sleep early again!
(PS- Just so everyone knows, I really miss Comcast! When I was at my parent's house this weekend uploads took a second. Here they take minutes! It is no fun! Time Warner Cable is awful!!!)
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