He has turned into such a lap cat this past year! It is sweet but kind of annoying at the same time :)
School is winding down, fast. In about one month I will be free. Not just free for winter break but free free. Graduated. Finished. I have one major hurdle to jump before that happens, my thesis. I have been struggling with it for a lot of reasons, mainly, lack of enthusiasm for it (despite it being the "key" to graduation) and lack of information out there on my topic (lacquerware from the Han Dynasty). It's ok. I'll get it done. I have to!
Honeypie won for "best new restaurant" and the Oriental Theatre won "best movie theatre" in the 2009 Shepherd Express "Best of Milwaukee". It's voted on by the people of Milwaukee annually. Jason and I did our part and we cast a ballot along with the rest of the city. You can go here to see other winners if you are interested. There are 6 categories to look through. We are glad to be working at some of the city's most beloved places :)
Amelia is still keeping us on our toes! Our entire apartment is her domain these days:
Her things are everywhere!
We spent this afternoon cleaning up the apartment in preparation for our trip "home" this weekend. We leave tomorrow morning, as early as possible. We will have Thursday night "home" as a family and then Jason heads to the cabin for Wisconsin's deer opener. The rest of the weekend Amelia and I will be visiting with people and I hope to do a little work on my thesis, if possible.
Amelia is ready to go to her Nana's house:
She's thinking, "let's get this show on the road, get me in my seat guys, I can't figure it out myself".
As most of you know, Amelia has a fascination with electrical cords. Here is our most recent attempt to keep her away from my computer cord:
I think it is only a matter of time before she figures out how to get past it. I swear, she is the smartest little girl ever. She figures everything out, eventually.
Over the weekend I dropped my phone in the toilet at work. I used to wonder how anyone ever did that because it just seemed like something that should never happen. Now I know it happens easier than I ever thought. It just fell in :( We went to Target and got a prepaid phone for me (Jason got a new one too) and put my SIM card into it. Quick fix! Amelia thought it was a new toy for her:
It has a partial QWERTY keypad, so that has been interesting to get used to! I've had a full QWERTY phone before but this partial business is very different! Can you see that Amelia's right eye has a red spot? (enlarge the picture by clicking on it if you can't and want to) That would be broken blood vessels in the little lady's eye. Why you may ask? Crying.
Amelia's crying has been getting out of control this past week. She gets so upset very often and in inconsolable. We are praying that it is teething but not convinced. In the past we have atributed some of her behavior changes to teething and no teeth have shown up! Hopefully this time that is it. I'd like to be able to say there is a reason for her fussiness all the time lately.
Don't get me wrong. She has had plenty of happy moments the past week, like this one:
It's just she has been upset a ton which is not like her at all. She is usually a happy little baby all the time!
She is even happy upside down:
She is so silly sometimes!
Last night Jason and I had "date night" (with Amelia in tow). We ate at the Tallgrass Grill which is located in our old neighborhood, right behind our old apartment building almost. They serve "healthy" burgers, aka, grass fed beef burgers. They are really good! After that we went to my work to catch a movie. Our first choice was cancelled (which I should have known as an employee) so we saw the next one to start which was New York, I Love You. Jason didn't seem too thrilled to see it based on my explanation of it but he ended up really liking it! We went to the earlier show because we had hopes Amelia would sleep because she hadn't napped all day. She was awake for the start of it, kicking in her seat but Jason rocked the seat and within 45 minutes she was out like a light.
Well, tonight I have lots to do to get Amelia and I ready for travel. Jason got packed this morning since he is at work now. We went to Target last night to get another duffel bag so Amelia and I don't have to share my old swim bag any longer. It's just not big enough! While we were there we picked up some baby food for the trip. Man, I am so glad that we decided to make her food. It is so expensive! I spent more money last night on a few days worth of food than I spent to make about 50 feedings of sweet potatoes. I could not believe it! I will say, the convenience of pre-made food is great but I will definately be making a few batches of food for Amelia upon our return from "home". We are running low right now. She has been living off of avacado and pumpkin and squash the past few days...
Lastly, here is a picture I just snapped a few minutes ago. I was in the bathroom and when I came back I heard whimpering but could not find Amelia anywhere. Turns out she got herself stuck behind the couch! I got her out promptly but not before I snapped a picture to share with everyone:
Does that make me a bad mom? I hope not!
*For anyone who is curious and doesn't know, that red "thing" on the back of Amelia's neck is a hemangioma and it has ceased growing. It is showing early signs of regression (it is graying in color) and we cannot wait until it is gone! It kind of freaks us out and it feels really funny. They can take kind of a long time to go away completely but we hope it is gone by her first birthday!
Wait, one more. I just snapped another picture and uploaded it quick:
I am thinking we might in fact have a teether among us! Why else would someone chew on a coffee table?
The stuck behind the couch picture reminds me when J was stuck in his diaper pail lid... but of course before I rescued him from it I had to run and get the camera to get a picture to capture the wonderfully funny moment! I really enjoy reading your blog!
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