We had another busy day up here. This morning we got up and I brought Jason into town to meet up with his hunting group. They departed a little after 9 for the cabin. Hopefully Jason feels better by tomorrow. He has been fighting off a sickness and sitting in the woods all weekend probably won't help him feel better...unless he gets a deer. Then he'd probably feel better!
Today my dad and I went to lunch in St. Paul at Cossetta's. I had a salad AND the mostaccioli this time since I
never get there anymore and there is nothing in Milwaukee that can compare :) We also brought my sister some pizza while she was at work so she had a good lunch today too! After that we headed to
Kowalski's to pick up some more baby food since I underestimated how much store bought food I'd need for this trip! While we were there Amelia got pulled around by her Grandpa:

She sat there swiping a pen back and forth on the cart and listening to the noises it made.
On our way home we stopped in Hudson and EP Rock elementary and introduced Amelia to Marie's mom. They hadn't met yet! While we were there Amelia took her first steps (holding on to someone's hands that is) for the first time! Marie's mom said, "See, she already learned something at school!". I also learned something at school today. There were big blue balls on all the desks, like exercise balls, with 4 prongs on them that looked like udders kind of. I asked why they were there and Marie's mom told me that they were the students' chairs. I guess it is supposed to better for their backs/posture? I thought it was cool. There were different sizes, green were the smallest, then blue and then yellow. Why didn't we have those for chairs when I was in elementary school!?!
Later this evening Amelia and I had plans to hang out with Marie and Lisa since tonight was the only time Lisa was available since she will be hunting all weekend! While we waited for Marie to get ready, Amelia tried out her new chair that her grandparents got her:

She looked so cute in it!
Once we got the go-ahead from Marie, we headed to pick her up and go to Lisa's. We ordered a pizza and hung out. Amelia got to eat her dinner in a booster seat that Lisa's sister has passed along to her for when she has kids:

After we all had dinner we decided that we wanted dessert. Well, we didn't exactly have anything laying around...so we made something! We made
pumpkin rolls and they were so good!
We made two rolls so there would be leftovers for us... The girls getting things ready:

(I helped too, I got the frosting ingredients ready. I never cook or bake so I just want to make sure you all know I tried! As I always said to Lisa over the years, "I don't help cook/bake, I
The final product:

(I linked to the recipe above, in case anyone is wanting to make these!)
Amelia and Lisa's kitten, Callie, got along incredibly well. They played together the
entire time we were there, seriously. Callie was so great with Amelia. I told Lisa that she should consider getting Callie a baby...he he. Here are some pictures of them playing together:

Callie really loved Amelia's toys:

I kept having to take Amelia's toys away from her! Lisa commented that Callie loses all her toys and I said she should get her baby toys since she seems to like them so much because they are bigger and harder to lose! We found a few of her toys though, under the stove. That is where all our cat's toys end up so I told Lisa to check there and sure enough, she found some!
Amelia did incredible well, despite being up way, way past her bedtime. She was even feeling good enough to get some pictures with her "aunties" before we left. Amelia and Marie (Auntie "M"):

Amelia and Auntie Lisa:

Before we left Amelia made sure to read up on this year's hunting regulations:

Now she can quiz her Daddy when he gets back and make sure he followed all the rules! (I am sure he did though)
Tomorrow we are planning on spending some time with my family. We always stay with them but never see them because we are always trying to fit everyone else in. Others don't seem to get that just because you are staying with someone doesn't mean you see them all the time! I mean, when you are out and don't get home until 10, when are you gonna see them? I am making up for it this trip. At least that is the plan!