One plus to getting home so early was we could run the errands I had intended to run yesterday today as a family. I am sure Jason was beyond thrilled :) We started out at Arby's for a quick lunch. Next we headed to Toys 'R' Us to look at baby gates. We didn't really research them that much (or at all...) and just kind of looked them over and decided. We went with one from the brand Safety 1st and so far I think was a good choice. One nice thing about it is there are no holes in it (you'll see in the picture below) so when Amelia is pulling herself up we won't have to worry about her using it as her anchor. She seemed a little confused about it though:
While we were out we also stopped at Kohl's so I could get a few things for the fall/winter and Jason also got a couple things. I think my Kohl's card was a good idea. I have been able to update my wardrobe post-Amelia with clothes that actually fit and have been getting a g-r-e-a-t deal on all of them! Jason calls them my "mom clothes"...I still am not sure if that is a good or bad thing :)
Amelia also got this jumper for the holiday season:

I can't wait until it is time for her to wear this! There was also a pink one there with snowmen on it that I wanted to get her, but I did restrain myself :)
Wal-Mart was a bit more enjoyable today. We usually end up there on the weekends and it is a ZOO. It is so bad that sometimes we wait in line longer then we shopped. I like weekdays because the lines are short and they move fast. We got a lot of essentials today so we are fully stocked again! Once again, we exercised restraint and I think I can safely say that this is the first time, in a long time, that we didn't buy frivolous things! Not even a soda at the checkout!
You may have noticed in the gate picture that there was some pink on Amelia's head today...that's right, she wore a bow! She has hairs (no matter what my mom and sister say)! I told them that her hair was growing a lot and that she had a "lot" now. They got some bow clips, to prove to me that she doesn't have a "lot" of hair...joke's on them! She CAN wear a bow! I tried my hardest to get a picture of her and her bow, but this is what I usually got out of her:
Poor baby girl. Her life is so hard. Her mom wanted a nice picture of her.
Here are some of the other shots I got of her this afternoon:
This evening, Amelia and I went on a walk with Kelsie (friend, former German TA for 2 semesters). I dug out Amelia's snowsuit to see if it would fit, and it did! She didn't wear it tonight though. Instead she wore a thinner, snowsuit-type thing with a Care Bear on it! I didn't get a picture but she was pretty cute! The Care Bear suit was pretty snug but I think it will get her through most of the fall and then we will switch to the bunny snowsuit for as long as it fits. Both are size 3-6 month, so I am just glad that they fit at all at this point!
Tonight I took that online quiz I mentioned earlier. I didn't do any studying for it and I ended up getting a B, so I am happy with that. Next time I will have to study and then get an A. That would be better.
I thought I could catch the new Law & Order: SVU but somehow I got the time mixed up. I thought it was at 9, but it was at 8. Oh well. There is always next week :)
My goal before Jason gets home is to read through some articles for my graduate colloquium. We have another paper due on Monday, over several tough readings, and I would like to get them read now so I can re-read them in a couple of days and hopefully make some sense of them and write a better paper than the first one I wrote... I get to re-write all papers until the professor, and myself, are satisfied and she decides our final grade based upon our improvement over the semester. So, maybe a terrible first paper will work to my advantage? I can only get better, right?
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