We hadn't used it in some time and I decided to see if it would keep her attention so she wouldn't roll all over the place. She has been a rolling machine lately. The other day I left her on the far end of the living room to play, went to make a bottle, and when I checked on her while the water was warming up she was all the way across the living room, into the hall and playing on the bathroom floor! How? Weare going to invest in a baby gate sooner than planned (we were planning on getting one anyways, to keep her out of the hall, thus, away from the bathroom, kitchen and door that doesn't stay shut well to the stairwell). The mat kept her in a smaller area of the room, so that is all I can ask for.
We were going to go to Indian Summer Festival tonight but Jason had a long day at work and we decided it would be best all around to stay in. Well, we went to Wal-Mart, but other than that it has been a quiet night. We got a couple baby foods (prunes and applesauce) that the doctor suggested we try with Amelia. Tuesday is the next day that we are all home, so that is the earliest day we will give her her next foods. Stay tuned!
Amelia wore her daddy's hat before bed tonight:
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