This morning we got off to a slow, late start. We made a pizza for lunch which I promptly forgot about and burned (we ate it anyways). We worked in the kitchen for a bit and then Jason got Amelia's rainforest swing taken apart. She is too restless in it these days, so we decided to put it away and use that space to store her walker.
Since Jason has been at work I have been sluggishly doing things around here. I realized this evening that Amelia had been in her pajamas all day and she is still in them now, sleeping. They are adorable pajamas, so I guess that is ok!
I checked my e-mail and good thing I did! My graduate class professor has already given us a boat-load of homework (the class starts Monday night)! Yesterday I ordered maps of both China and Asia to put on the wall above my desk (as directed by the professor, we need good and detailed maps of both). I paid extra to have them get here by tomorrow so I have the weekend to look over them.
Here are some pictures from this evening:
I do have plenty of homework to get to, so I am going to leave this as is and pray that that is what I do with my time once I shut the computer down...
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