We have also been getting a little better at "tummytime". Amelia can now tolerate it for a few minutes, but then she gets like this (which is how she used to be the entire time):

In other news, I have begun the process of re-entering UW-Milwaukee and hope that it is all taken care of and I can start in May. We have just been waiting on my Century transcripts (they came yesterday, while I was at work, so I will drop them off on Monday)to get here so I can drop them off at the school and the admitting office can look things over. I find it all a little silly. I have missed one semester and I left in very good standing. And this whole transcript thing is strange...they already have this very transcript on file, nothing has changed... Oh well, life is full of rocedures we don't think make sense.
I can't think of much else to update anyone on and Amelia is now up from her nap and needing a diaper change and/or some eating time!
(Oh yes, Grandma, I ended up needing to get a new battery for my car. The weather and lack of being driven for 2+ months completely ruined mine and there was no power left in it at all. Jason took it in and had it tested)
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