With the first piece of art I ever wrote a paper about for college (Head of a Noble Woman, 91 CE).
Already a Warhol fan, like her Mom.
There is a section of the museum called "Sensory Overload" and it is full of bold colors and sounds etc. Here we are in front of a huge TV display:
This is a close up of one of the paintings that kept Amelia's gaze longest (part of "Sensory Overload").
I also had a few pictures of the three of us in front of the museum, but they didn't upload to the computer for some reason.
After the museum we had lunch and then Jason went to work. My parents and I took Amelia on a walk around the neighborhood.
All cozy in her stroller!
After our walk we went down the street for dinner and when we got home Amelia ate and had a bedtime story. We read her new book that she got at the art museum today, "When Pigasso Met Mootisse". Here is a picture of story time. I look like I am "fake" reading when in fact I am laughing as I read (the story amused me):
Now Amelia is in bed and my parents are about ready to turn in so I will likely take this opportunity to pick this place up!
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