Over the weekend my mom, sister and I went to Ikea! I don't think any of us were looking for anything in particular but it was funny they called because I had just looked at the Ikea catalog the previous day!
Amelia had.a.blast. We let her loose in the kid's toy section and my goodness, she was all over the place! She carried around two display abacus' and there was a third out as well.
Whenever she would see someone using it she would run over and try and take it from them. Clearly we still have some work to do on that whole sharing thing.
They also had a child's "Poang" chair which I loved!
She wouldn't sit still for a picture and this was the best I could get! I think she might getting one of these for Christmas. I have a regular "Poang" chair in the same color as this one. How cute would it be for us to have matching chairs?!
Amelia also got a few other things and is enjoying them! Her abacus is still a hit,
Her moose babies (tiny little, orange moose stuffed toys) still get carted around in the toy pet carrier,
and she still hasn't figured out how to get off of her green stool on her own yet...
Looking at all that home stuff coupled with working at Target makes me even more hopeful that one day soon we will have our own space to decorate and enjoy! Until then, it is (usually) fun to look around and get ideas!
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