She had to inspect it - she wasn't sure it was the "real deal".
After Kim got off we made an impromtu decision to go to Como Zoo for the afternoon. It was a lot of fun! We were able to find close parking and we walked around the whole zoo and conservatory.
We didn't get a picture of Auntie Kim and Amelia. She was so busy trying to get a good one of us! We got a few keepers I think :)
After the zoo we dropped Amelia off with Nana and Grandpa so we could all go see Toy Story 3 in 3D! Jason and I had never been to a movie in 3D so we thought we should take a picture of us in the modern 3D glasses:
Kim and Jason kept making fun of me because my regular glasses were showing right through the 3D glasses! We all enjoyed TS3. Jason even says he thinks it might be his pick for best picture of the year. It was that good. I cried, twice, and he got choked up at the end. I don't think Kim got as emotional as us but I am not sure she would tell us if she did. Good thing the 3D glasses conceal some things a little bit ;)
This morning my mom, sister and I went to see the new Twilight movie - Eclipse. We went at 9:45 this morning. It was good. I think I might need to see it again to form a solid opinion on it though. As always, the book was better!
After the movie I headed home for Amelia's first pool playdate. Jason's co-worker, A, has a daughter, M, that is just a few months older than Amelia so we had them over for lunch and swimming. It was a little touch and go there for awhile. Neither of the girls are very socialized so they (and by they I mean Amelia!) had some trouble sharing. We made it though and they both eventually warmed up to each other. M was a little unsure about the pool too but she came around after an hour or so!
Amelia played in this floatie raft thing when it was M's turn to use the goldfish floatie and LOVED it. It was almost like a floating tub for her in the pool.

Eventually we tried both girls in the "floating tub" and it went pretty well!
Hopefully M can come over and play again sometime!
Well, this post didn't get too long which is great considering I had 99 pictures to sort through from yesterday and today! It has been such a great week so far so hopefully it keeps up!