We are having a rough week around here. This is Jason's first full week on overtime at work - which means he is getting home just after 1 a.m. instead of just after 10 p.m. It might seem like no big deal but keep in mind that I get up for work at 3:30 a.m. so if children (Joey in particular) will not go to bed I now have no relief. I have to stay up until everyone is in bed and sleeping. Yesterday night that was 11 p.m. I got into bed by 11:15.
Another factor in this rough week is this:
I woke up like this Monday morning with a fever. Needless to say I called in to work and went back to bed. The fever broke before lunch but I still felt tired - probably because I never sleep - so I went back to bed until Jason had to leave for work. Yesterday morning the eye wasn't any better so I went in to see a doctor. There is no sign of infection and he seems to think it is an allergic reaction to something. I have drops to put in four times a day and am doing cold compresses when I can. Other than that I have to wait it out. There is little pain associated with it but it is very uncomfortable and my eye gets "tired" quickly.
Amelia is a ball of energy, as usual. I continue to be thankful for the "little helper" in her. Last night she had her bath, I took a shower and as I was getting dressed she was all over the place and I kept saying, "next we'll give Joe a bath and then we can play." Eventually she came into my room with an orange rag which I assumed was her Dora washcloth that I made her leave in the tub because it was wet. I started to scold her and then realized it was a baby washcloth. So I went down the hall and into the bathroom and found this:
We gave Joe his bath and went on with the night. It was still not an ideal night. I still was frustrated beyond belief. I still would have given nearly anything for Amelia to go to bed so I could focus on getting Joe to bed so I could get to bed. But in the end I realized that there are far worse things than children who have a hard time with bedtime and there are people with terrible eye problems - not just some swelling. I went to bed - happy with the promise of a fresh start in the morning. And today was better. Not great - but better.
I have a ton of cute pictures to share but for now, Joe is currently sleeping and Amelia is watching Diego...I think I am going to brave crawling into bed pretty quick here!
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