I love watching this relationship evolve. Joey is growing on Amelia more and more every single day - even though she doesn't want anyone to know!
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Three Years Stats
Today was Amelia's three year well visit! As soon as nurse Emily wanted to check her blood pressure she got a little concerned:
So, instead of her getting her blood pressure checked her orange pony got his done by a highly qualified Dr. Amelia :)
What? A shot?
She had her Hep A shot. She did great.
Now for her stats and stuff:
- 35 pounds, 85th percentile
- 40 inches, 95th percentile
- Sleeping around10-12 hours a night with varying bedtimes between 8 and 9ish p.m. and wake times varying from 7 to 9 a.m.
- Favorite foods are mac 'n' cheese, cheese ravioli and tortellini, waffles, Uh-Ohs (spaghettios) and peas (they recently made a comeback!)
- Favorite snacks are cookies, fruit snacks and cheez-its
- Dora and Diego ("Go-ah and Gee-go") are major, major hits with this girl. We have started to have to limit her TV because she'd watch those guys 24/7 if we let her!
- My Little Ponies are a new interest. She loves to watch the original movie (from my childhood) before bed right now
- Her speech is improving with each passing week which has made life so, so much easier
- She is now attending an early childhood speech class two days a week at the local elementary school for an hour and a half each day
- Her favorite toys are animal figurines, anything Dora or Diego, cars, bubbles and her new Little People pirate ship she got for her birthday
- She is trying to dress and undress herself more and more but it is something I need to be better about encouraging her to try and do on her own
- She is mommy and daddy's little helper - even when we would just rather do things alone!
We have a healthy and happy three year old girl! We love her very much! She brings so much joy (and frustration) to our lives :)
Monday, February 27, 2012
First Day of School
Amelia had her first day of Pre-K speech today! She "graduated" from the county's Birth to 3 program last week which basically means she turned three and now she moves into the school district's speech program! I am going to miss her speech therapist, Lisa, who has been coming to our apartment once a week since November to work with Amelia. She has progressed so much in the short time we worked with Lisa and we are so thankful!
I had to work so Jason and Joe dropped Amelia off today. She went with the teacher very willingly Jason said.
She will go two days a week for an hour and a half. Right now we (well, Jason since I am at work!) are driving her but we will eventually sign her up for pick-up and drop-off by the school's transportation service. For the time being we just want her to get used to going to school before we throw in the van ride with someone she is unfamiliar with as well as other children she doesn't know!
This is the first craft she made at school :) I'm not sure how much of it she actually did but I don't care - I love it! From the things Amelia brought home I figured out today they worked on "K." This is the "K" caterpillar and it has little images of "c" and "k" words. I'm glad that the first day they worked on a sound that Amelia knows well. Hopefully it made her feel confident and helped her enjoy the activities more :)
Bedtime didn't go super smoothly tonight. Amelia came to her gate a few times while I was nursing Joe to sleep and once I had him down I went to shut her door and found her passed out on the floor by the gate. I moved her to her bed and covered her with her favorite blanket.
I can't believe what a big girl she is becoming!
Birthday Weekend
I should preface this post with this - I completely failed at taking pictures this weekend! Amelia is at a point where she doesn't really want her picture taken most of the time so I just didn't try as hard as I normally do. It wasn't worth upsetting her on her birthday!
Saturday night we had dinner with my family at Yarusso Bros Italian Restaurant. We had never been there but it was a hit! Amelia had about half a loaf of bread with butter and a good chunk of her spaghetti. It was the most I have seen her eat in one sitting in a long, long time - so it must be good!
Saturday night we had dinner with my family at Yarusso Bros Italian Restaurant. We had never been there but it was a hit! Amelia had about half a loaf of bread with butter and a good chunk of her spaghetti. It was the most I have seen her eat in one sitting in a long, long time - so it must be good!
In addition to dinner we did gifts and had cake and ice cream with my parents and sister.
Sunday we had dinner at Jason's sister Liz's house. She did tacos - which were delicious! After dinner Amelia opened gifts and I think she was more excited about all the tissue paper than anything :) Gifts were followed up with cake and ice cream!
Amelia's cake and cupcakes were Dora themed which she loved! I loved that the Dora/Diego cake had Dora and Boots figurines added...so we have spares now! We had the same toppers on my birthday cake last year and they are one of Amelia's favorite toys now. Boots got lost one night last week and bedtime was impossible until he was found.
This third birthday weekend was low-key and that is just fine with us. Jason and I have been very drained of energy the past few weeks. Our work schedules are not allowing for adequate rest and it's been taking it's toll on us. Thank you to our families for planning and executing everything this weekend! We appreciate it more than you know.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Three Years Old
Today Amelia is three years old...but it is technically her fourth birthday if you count her day of birth... Our weekend is full with plans to see family and celebrate this little girl. She is a handful, there is no doubt about that, but that only makes us love her more.
Here is a walk down memory lane:
Here is a walk down memory lane:
Happy Birthday, Big Girl! Can't wait to see what this next year will bring us!!!
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Squeaky Clean
Afternoon baths left me with two fresh smelling kids to spend the evening with!
We had a pretty good night until it was time to get Amelia to bed. Long story short? All three of us were in tears at one point. Joe was screaming in his swing while Amelia cried because she lost her Boots the monkey figurine and I was crying out of frustration. Yep.
We eventually found Boots and she got to bed where she proceeded to pass out almost instantly. I made sure she put her Dora and Boots figurines (from my birthday cake last year...) into her Dora purse. You know, so we would know where they are tomorrow. And tomorrow? I'll tell her, once again, to put them into her Dora purse when they are not in active play. I do not wish to repeat tonight's events.
We eventually found Boots and she got to bed where she proceeded to pass out almost instantly. I made sure she put her Dora and Boots figurines (from my birthday cake last year...) into her Dora purse. You know, so we would know where they are tomorrow. And tomorrow? I'll tell her, once again, to put them into her Dora purse when they are not in active play. I do not wish to repeat tonight's events.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Day at the Mall
Amelia's third birthday is this weekend! Yesterday Auntie Kim brought us to Sea Life MN in the Mall of America to celebrate! It had been about a year and a half since we had been there and in that time it was remodeled so it was a little bit different than we remembered it!
The jellyfish were a hit with Amelia again!
After Sea Life we went to Nickelodeon Universe theme park. I got enough tickets for Amelia to go on three rides. She went on the carousel, Azul's Adventure (the train from Dora) and Wonder Pets Flyboat (they sit on a bench and it went up and bounced down several times.) I went on everything but the flyboat with her - she asked me to sit next to her but I knew she could do it alone!

She did well until the last time it went up. She started to cry a little bit at that point.
Waiting in line for rides was the most patient I have ever seen this girl! She was so mesmerized by everything.

She did well until the last time it went up. She started to cry a little bit at that point.
Waiting in line for rides was the most patient I have ever seen this girl! She was so mesmerized by everything.
Before we headed out we had a late lunch/early dinner at one of the mall's food courts. Amelia was excited about her crown!
This little guy was a trooper all day long! He sat in his stroller content and (mostly) happy the entire day :)
We made a few stops on our way home from the mall making it a nice, full, long day. Everyone was pretty tired by the time we made it home! I got Amelia into her bed and went to get her the milk she asked for and by the time I got back with it she was out cold! We all slept pretty good last night!
Monday, February 20, 2012
Weekend Walks
We had some nice weather this weekend! By nice, I mean mid-thirties... We took advantage of the "warm" weather and went on a couple of family walks. Joey stayed all warm and cozy in his stroller on our walk to the school playground Saturday afternoon.
While at the playground we found a few playground balls that were left out and Amelia had fun playing "be-bah" (baseball) with them. Her version of baseball involved a soccer net so I am not sure what she was actually playing but she had fun!
Sunday afternoon we went over to my parent's house and broke in the kids' wagon that Santa brought them. I forgot to pack Joe's snowsuit so he rode in his carseat in the stroller and Amelia had the wagon all to herself. I think she preferred it that way! We walked nearly two miles!
After our walk we had BLT sandwiches! Amelia discovered a love for Cheeto puffs...her dinner was yogurt and probably a dozen Cheeto puffs! We're slowly working on expanding her taste buds. This weekend she re-discovered peas and was asking for them at meals. That's progress! She used to love them and just fell out of it somewhere between one and two. In fact, between one and two she became a pretty picky eater. Some nights all we can hope for is that she'll eat something - anything!
We had a good weekend! Hopefully that will set us up for a good week :)
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Silly Sleeper
I have been finding Amelia in some strange sleeping situations this month! One night she insisted I put on her silver, sparkly, princess shoes...over her footie pajamas! I expected they'd come off before she fell asleep but I was wrong!
I'm not sure how she ended up pressed against the bed...
The other night she was tired. I kept her up a bit longer and then put her into her room with her gate up. I sat down with Joe to nurse him to sleep and she kept coming to the gate asking to come out. I did not take the gate down because I was busy and, well, she was busy too! She emptied her bed onto the floor and eventually fell asleep on top of the pile of stuff!
She can be sooooo silly sometimes!
4 Months
On Monday, Joey turned four months old! We went to the doctor for his appointment on Valentine's Day and he looks great! He is 18 pounds 5 ounces (95th percentile) and 28 inches (100th percentile.) Basically, he is huge! I have taken to lovingly calling him "Fat Joe." I can't help it! He is just a little chunky guy and it's so, so cute :)
Last week he officially moved into size 6-9/9 month clothing and it fits perfectly. It's only a matter of time before we have to move into 12 month clothing! He is also less than four pounds away from the weight limit on his infant carrier so he will be making the switch to a rear-facing convertible seat much, much earlier than his sister did. In fact, I'm thinking it will take him half the time it took her. She switched around 10 or 11 months old and I am thinking by 5 months with him we will be switching!
Last week he officially moved into size 6-9/9 month clothing and it fits perfectly. It's only a matter of time before we have to move into 12 month clothing! He is also less than four pounds away from the weight limit on his infant carrier so he will be making the switch to a rear-facing convertible seat much, much earlier than his sister did. In fact, I'm thinking it will take him half the time it took her. She switched around 10 or 11 months old and I am thinking by 5 months with him we will be switching!
At around three months he rolled over for the first time - from front to back. Since then he has only done it a handful of times. I told the doctor this and she joked, "I wouldn't want to do it often either if I were him. He has a lot to move!" The important thing is that he can do it. Even if he chooses not to often...
We are still going strong breastfeeding and it has created quite the little mama's boy. When I am around he needs to be with me or near me. If I don't go see him upon getting home from work he starts to whine. Jason says he is basically fine all day but when I get home if I don't go to him the whining starts. And it continues throughout the night. It really tests my patience most nights but we make it through!
We love our little Joe! He has been a much more challenging baby for us than Amelia was but that's ok! I think we got by too easy with her ;)
Wednesday, February 08, 2012
Rough Week
We are having a rough week around here. This is Jason's first full week on overtime at work - which means he is getting home just after 1 a.m. instead of just after 10 p.m. It might seem like no big deal but keep in mind that I get up for work at 3:30 a.m. so if children (Joey in particular) will not go to bed I now have no relief. I have to stay up until everyone is in bed and sleeping. Yesterday night that was 11 p.m. I got into bed by 11:15.
Another factor in this rough week is this:
I woke up like this Monday morning with a fever. Needless to say I called in to work and went back to bed. The fever broke before lunch but I still felt tired - probably because I never sleep - so I went back to bed until Jason had to leave for work. Yesterday morning the eye wasn't any better so I went in to see a doctor. There is no sign of infection and he seems to think it is an allergic reaction to something. I have drops to put in four times a day and am doing cold compresses when I can. Other than that I have to wait it out. There is little pain associated with it but it is very uncomfortable and my eye gets "tired" quickly.
Amelia is a ball of energy, as usual. I continue to be thankful for the "little helper" in her. Last night she had her bath, I took a shower and as I was getting dressed she was all over the place and I kept saying, "next we'll give Joe a bath and then we can play." Eventually she came into my room with an orange rag which I assumed was her Dora washcloth that I made her leave in the tub because it was wet. I started to scold her and then realized it was a baby washcloth. So I went down the hall and into the bathroom and found this:
We gave Joe his bath and went on with the night. It was still not an ideal night. I still was frustrated beyond belief. I still would have given nearly anything for Amelia to go to bed so I could focus on getting Joe to bed so I could get to bed. But in the end I realized that there are far worse things than children who have a hard time with bedtime and there are people with terrible eye problems - not just some swelling. I went to bed - happy with the promise of a fresh start in the morning. And today was better. Not great - but better.
I have a ton of cute pictures to share but for now, Joe is currently sleeping and Amelia is watching Diego...I think I am going to brave crawling into bed pretty quick here!
Thursday, February 02, 2012
Light-Up Staff
Amelia got a flashing, light-up staff at the Holidazzle in December. We recently replaced the batteries in it and it is a BIG hit again!
She took it to bed with her a couple of nights ago and when we went in to check on her before we went to bed this is what we found:

The photos didn't turn out awesome so I took a video too:
The following night we found the same thing...

...except this time her star-bug was there too!
Last night it was the same story only I didn't get a picture!
We don't know if it is mere coincidence but the past two, maybe three, nights (I honestly can't remember...the days are long here!) she has woken up at 3 a.m. exactly and she is upset. I am just getting up for work then and do what I can to soothe her and Jason also gets up. The first night or two she went back to sleep with a movie on her "baby TV" (portable DVD player) and that was that. Jason said this morning she would not go back to sleep after I left. She was acting terrified and kept looking around her room like there was something in there scaring her. They eventually ended up sleeping on the couch - with the lights on, of course.
I am wondering if the flashing lights in her sleep have anything to do with this new trend in her sleeping habits? I'm testing it tonight. I have already hidden the flashing staff so it will not be making an appearance at bedtime. We'll see what happens in the morning! If that does not seem to be the problem I am not sure what we are going to do!
She took it to bed with her a couple of nights ago and when we went in to check on her before we went to bed this is what we found:
The photos didn't turn out awesome so I took a video too:
The following night we found the same thing...
...except this time her star-bug was there too!
Last night it was the same story only I didn't get a picture!
We don't know if it is mere coincidence but the past two, maybe three, nights (I honestly can't remember...the days are long here!) she has woken up at 3 a.m. exactly and she is upset. I am just getting up for work then and do what I can to soothe her and Jason also gets up. The first night or two she went back to sleep with a movie on her "baby TV" (portable DVD player) and that was that. Jason said this morning she would not go back to sleep after I left. She was acting terrified and kept looking around her room like there was something in there scaring her. They eventually ended up sleeping on the couch - with the lights on, of course.
I am wondering if the flashing lights in her sleep have anything to do with this new trend in her sleeping habits? I'm testing it tonight. I have already hidden the flashing staff so it will not be making an appearance at bedtime. We'll see what happens in the morning! If that does not seem to be the problem I am not sure what we are going to do!
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