We would let her out, to burn off energy, and she would just rub her eyes. She was so tired but was fighting it so hard!
Today Amelia, Kim and I spent the day together. We had lunch in St. Paul at Cossetta's (yum!) and went to Como Zoo and Conservatory to celebrate Kim turning 23. Amelia had a great time at the zoo!
Here is a collage of some of our favorite animals that we saw today:

Anyone else see a pattern? Amelia loves big cats. One thing I was glad to actually see for once was this guy:
It is so hard to find the wolves usually but not today! I used my zoom and got in close enough for a blurry, but decent, picture.
After walking through the zoo we headed to the conservatory. I was excited to go to a particular part, the "sunken garden". Guess what? It was closed for a show change today! This was the best view I got:
I snuck a photo when a worker was bringing in more flowers. I was pretty bummed!
Before we headed home, we stopped in Stillwater to take a peak at this year's flooding:
You can see that the water is so high that the lift part of the bridge has been raised and the bridge is closed!
Once we got home Amelia had some fun outside:

She loved the ball I got her at Wal-Mart:
Once our parents were home from work, we all went for a birthday dinner at the Mongolian Barbeque. After dinner Amelia got a bath in a big girl tub for the first time!
We have another bug day planned tomorrow so I should hop in the shower and get some sleep!
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