Thursday, June 30, 2011

Car Wash

Today the heat index was expected to get up to 107 degrees so I decided it would be a good day to do something outside involving water. I decided Amelia should have her first car wash and get her princess cozy coupe all washed up to start the summer off right.

I didn't have to ask her twice to wash her car - she went right to it!

Auntie Kim came home mid-wash and started a sprinkler so running from that took her attention away from her car for a bit.

To get her back into the car wash mood I showed her how to spray her car off. Next it was her turn to try...

She thought it was far more entertaining to chase after auntie and myself with the hose. She eventually decided her car needed to be rinsed off though.

I'd say Amelia's first car wash was a success. Her car is cleaner than it was, she stayed cool in the heat and she got some energy out! All good things :)

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