Monday, November 01, 2010

Exciting News!

Over the weekend Jason got a job!!!!!!!

A friend of his called him up last Thursday and asked him if he could come in and stage at his work because they were in need of someone. Jason went the next day and was offered the job. All I can say is WOW. Just over a week ago we were losing hope and then within one week he staged at three restaurants and now has a job. God is good.

His new job is at a newer restaurant called The Hanger Room. He is very excited about working there because for once he is surrounded by serious chefs - not line cooks. Everyone he works with is passionate about food, like he is.

If you have time and are interested - check out the link above. He is so happy to be working there and says it is by far the nicest place he has ever worked and the hardest place he has ever worked. It is a very fast-paced atmosphere and they are all always pushing each other to work faster and better. I think he is going to learn a lot while he is there!


Simply Bonkers! said...

What a blessing! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you both!

the misses of the blisses said...

YAY!!! That is awesome! I was going to call you to see how things were going! Congratulations to Jason!