Amelia got a few new things for this winter and this awesome toy storage center!

I have been eyeing them up at Target but haven't been a fan of the price tag (even with my discount!) and then we saw this one there and it was selling for under half price of a new one so I got it!
We made a few more stops and then it was time for a swim. Even Nana swam!
It was nice to cool off since it was so hot out this afternoon. When we were done, Amelia helped pick up by piling all of the noodles in one corner.
It was pretty funny.
After dinner out we finished our errands and are now hanging around the house. I am pretty beat and ready to head back to grandpa's for the night pretty soon. Amelia is all wound up and running all over the house right now so hopefully she is burning off all her extra energy because when we get home it is bedtime!
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