Thursday evening, my sister Kim's school had an open house type thing for family and friends. We went to her school and saw her classroom, met her teacher and had medical tasks an medical assistant would perform done to us by our own MA:
Amelia's favorite thing, besides getting wheelchair rides, was the book used to test for colorblindness. Someone showed it to her right when we got there and she tried her hardest to keep track of it all evening.
Joey got passed around as we all did our testing. His only test was his weight. It said 18 pounds which is less than the doctor weighed him at last month so I am not really sure. I don't think he's lost weight! Either way, he is still a big boy.
After the open house, we went for dinner at Cossetta's. Amelia insisted on getting into my mom's lap and then would not stop hugging her face/head. It was kind of funny...if you weren't Nana. I think she found it a little amusing though - but not the most comfortable way to receive a hug.
Papa Joe and Joey:
The kids and I didn't get home until 10:00 p.m. That is way past their bedtimes (7:45ish and 8:30ish normally) and also past mine! Thankfully I got us all in the apartment and into bed in a reasonable amount of time.
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