We now have our very own Little Tikes slide for about 1/3 the retail price. That is a great find indeed! Getting it home...that is a whole other story! In the end Auntie Liz and Grandma Rude drove into Stillwater to pick it up and bring it to Nana's house. We'd all like to say, one more time, thank you! It saved us the trouble of going to Home Depot to rent a truck, which would have brought the cost of the darn thing higher than my mom would have liked!
Now we just need to teach Amelia that once she climbs into it she can go down the slide on her own! Instead, she climbs up and into the "hut" part and then goes back down the stairs. Like this:

It's ok. We'll work with her and hopefully she gets it soon! She loves slides and now she has her very own!
Thanks Nana and Grandpa for getting it and thanks (again) Auntie Liz and Grandma Rude for delivering it!!!
It was No Big Deal Glad we could help look like Squirt loves it already!
That is going to be alot of fun for her for quite some time!
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