I haven't had Internet access for almost a week because I use my parent's wifi and they were having issues installing their new Apple Airport (router) so those of us with PCs were without Internet access since mid-last week. It's all straightened out and working again so here I am!
What have we been up to? LOTS!
Last Wednesday we took Amelia to the Mall of America to Underwater Adventures. Jason had never been there so it was an extra special trip! We didn't take a
ton of pictures but here are a few:
After Underwater Adventures, Amelia took a little snooze in her stroller while Jason and I (mostly window) shopped:
We had a really great day together which I think we all needed!
Another fun thing we did just yesterday was going to the apple orchard! We went to
Aamodt's Farm in Stillwater. Our first stop was yummy apple treats:
(apple cider, apple oatmeal cookies and apple crisp with cinammon ice cream!)Amelia had a blast in the hay maze:
They even had apples low enough for Amelia to reach!
Yesterday was another great day for us!
We have been soaking up fall days this past week and it has been so awesome! I LOVE this time of year :)