Yesterday afternoon we were looking for something fun to do. We didn't want to spend any money so we decided to take advantage of our Minnesota Zoo membership!
We packed a picnic lunch and ate it in the parking lot before heading into the zoo since we got there right around lunch time!
Once inside we saw tons of animals but, of course, Amelia gravitated towards anything in water. We spent a lot of time looking at turtles, fish, empty tanks and more fish. She did not give up on the "empty" sea otter tank and it paid off!
He came out of his cave, swam to her, did a somersault and swam away!
To take a break we rode the monorail.
Amelia enjoyed looking out the windows and I think she saw a couple of animals but mostly she just looked around and said, "wow!"
When she saw the leopard napping she thought it sounded like a good idea:
Riding on a wolf with her zebra:
There is a "splash pad" near the monorail where kiddos can run around in their swimsuits and cool off. We avoided it one time but on our way off the trail it is near Amelia noticed it and had to go. We debated, tried telling her not today but in the end we gave her the go-ahead. Once she heard, "ok" she was gone!
She had an absolute blast!
Once we were done at the "splash pad" we got Amelia changed into her spare clothes and a new diaper and looked through one more area of the zoo before heading home! Amelia fell asleep super fast on the ride home:
We had a fun day and can't wait to go back!