Our week came to quite a frustrating end! My car would not start, again. I have not been driving since mid-January and my car has recently not been wanting to start when we go to move it (we have to park on odd/even sides of the street all year round here in Milwaukee). Usually we just jump it and all is well in the world. This time however, the battery is so dead that it would not even electronically unlock the doors, Jason had to put the key in the door and unlock it himself. Then he tried to start it and the ignition locked and the key is stuck in the car. My car's battery is in the trunk and "funny" thing, I have no manual trunk release and the battery is so dead that the trunk won't open electronically and the key is stuck in the ignition. A locksmith came out today and could not get the key out of the ignition or manage to get the trunk popped, so now our only hope is to get my spare keys. My spare keys are at my parents in MN, well, now they are en route to Milwaukee via the mail. As we wait for the keys to arrive I will likely rack up multiple parking tickets as half of the nights I will be on the wrong side of the road for overnight parking :( Just not a nice end to our otherwise pretty great week!
Amelia has infant acne, which is more common than we thought. It looks like it hurts her little face sometimes and all we can do is wash her face with water once or twice a day and wait for it to clear up!

We had some more visitors this week, Marie and Lisa came down :) We didn't do anything too exciting, just hung around the house etc. It was so nice to see them! I wish that we could see each other more often. I'm bummed too, I didn't manage to get a picture of the three of us with Amelia like I had hoped! Next time, right?
This upcoming week I am hoping to get our house cleaned up and organized again! It may or may not happen :)
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