Last night my parent's kept Amelia while I went into Minneapolis for a low key bachelorette party.
We went to Seven for dinner which is both a sushi bar and steakhouse. It was soooo good. I tried Kobe beef for the first time and it was heaven. I also spent way more on one meal than I think I ever have in my life! Kobe beef is so tender it is like butter in your mouth. It comes from waygu cows which are fed beer and sake and massaged for 8+ hours a day. Try it if you ever see it on a menu - it is worth the price! Since a severe weather system was coming through the cities, after dinner we all headed home. It was a very nice night out and I had a great time!
Amelia stayed over with my parents and woke them up at 4 in the morning! She never does that to us. She must have known she was at nana's and grandpa would get up with her that early. She had a first and second breakfast even since she was up so early.
Jason and I got to my parent's house around eleven to get her and she was standing in the driveway smiling when she saw our car. Before we left we hung around a bit and Amelia played in a "sprinkler". My dad held the hose for her and she had a blast.
Uncle Shad (Shadow) even joined us outside for the fun!
Amelia and I went back over to my parent's house once Jason went to work and we are just hanging out, using Internet, now. I think we all had a pretty great Sunday!
Amelia also got these fun new sandals from her nana and grandpa:
They are Keen, so let's just say my daughter officially has better shoes than me!
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