The swing was not an ideal situation to us and neither is this. We'd love for the guy to realize his bed isn't that bad! We are pretty sure the main issue with the bed is that it requires him to be flat on his back. He doesn't seem to like that at all. He is a snuggler and loves to be curled up - preferably in someone's arms. The carseat and the swing both curl up his body just a bit and that is why we think he likes them so much!
On a funny note, the other night Amelia and I were watching Dora. She told me, "nigh nigh" so I asked her if she was tired. She wandered off and when I went to find her a few minutes later this is what I found:
It seems that she thinks the carseat is in fact a true bed! A bed for people of all sizes!
1 comment:
Weston has the same issue, he hates to sleep flat on his back at night. We have been using his rocker. It's a fisher price infant to toddler comfort rocker {}. It rocks, it vibrates and it also kicks back and doesn't rock so this is his 'bed' setting! It's working great for us. And the best part about this one, it holds toddlers, so Paxton is able to get in there without any fear of breaking it!!
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